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Online Addiction Treatment Designed to Fit Your Needs.

Every journey is different. No matter what path has brought you here there is a treatment that is right for you. Our team of nurses and physicians can help you set goals and navigate any challenges along your road to recovery.

Connect with a physician in a confidential virtual meeting to learn about what addiction treatment programs may be right for you. 

There is no obligation, just support and education.

Why Is Our Virtual Addiction Treatment Program the Right Choice for You?

Connecting with our physician specialists is free! You must be an Ontario resident with a valid OHIP card.
All of your appointments will be private and secure! We use the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) for our appointments.
There are no wait times and no referral process! We provide easy access to your treatment as soon as you are ready to begin the process.
All you need is a reliable internet connection and a device with a screen to access our online services.

About Opioid Addiction

Why can’t people just stop using Opioids?

  • As the opioids leave the system, people experience withdrawal.

  • It is usually at its worst two or three days after last use, but withdrawal symptoms can linger for weeks or months.

  • The physical symptoms of withdrawal are like a very bad case of the flu; people experience muscle aches, nausea and vomiting, cramps, chills, sweating, yawning, and goosebumps.

  • In addition, people often experience psychological symptoms such as severe insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, and powerful cravings. These psychological and physiological symptoms are usually much more uncomfortable than the physical symptoms.
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Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

  • People who experience withdrawal symptoms are offered Opioid Agonist Therapy (OAT) often called Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) using Buprenorphine (Suboxone).

  • Buprenorphine (Suboxone) is different from other opioids. When taken under medical supervision, they relieve opioid cravings and withdrawal symptoms without giving a “high”.

  • Because they are long-acting, they are taken once a day eliminating the risk of withdrawal every couple of hours.

  • By preventing withdrawal symptoms, these medications allow people to focus on establishing a healthy lifestyle.

  • Similar to other chronic illnesses, patients may require medications and support ongoing to reduce the risks of relapse.
For patient safety, we offer only Suboxone as an online treatment method for opioid use disorder. We do not offer Methadone in our online program. We can help you find the right medication and treatment options for your addiction.
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About Online Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

We recognize that alcohol can also cause addictive behaviors and provide online treatment for alcohol addiction.

We welcome our patients and treat them with respect. We work with you to determine the treatment plan that best meets your needs and goals.

We provide hope, guidance and support during your treatment and beyond.

Connect with us for a consultation to ensure that your substance use can be managed safely through a virtual addiction treatment program. During your first appointment, the options available to you will be explained in detail and next steps created together.

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Our Process

This is your path; you don’t need to travel it alone.

Our process will provide you with safe, confidential treatment from the comfort of your own home.
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Our Services

We recognize that addiction and mental health can coexist. We understand that both physical and mental health issues are complex and require support.

In addition to addiction medicine, we also offer mental health services and physician guided support to our patients who are participating in our online addiction treatment program.

  • Virtual Mental Health Support
  • Virtual Screening and Treatment for Hepatitis C
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Meet your 
Addiction Physicians

We have many physicians providing drug addiction services and suboxone treatment.
Meet Our Team

Safe and Secure

Our processes are PHIPA compliant.
We utilize the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) for our appointments.


Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions page for some guidance. You can also get in touch with us if that is better for you.
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