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Online Suboxone Doctors

We have suboxone doctors available to virtually treat opioid addiction.
This is your path; you don’t need to travel it alone. Safe, confidential treatment from the comfort of your own home.

Online Addiction Treatment Designed to Fit Your Needs.

We offer online suboxone treatment to persons struggling with opioid addiction. Every journey is different and treatment options will be designed for your best outcome.

Our team of nurses and physicians can help you set goals and navigate any challenges along your road to recovery. There is no obligation, just support and education.

Connect with a physician in a confidential virtual meeting to learn about what treatment options may be right for you.

Benefits of our Online Suboxone Treatment Program

Connecting with our physician specialists is free! You must be an Ontario resident with a valid OHIP card.
All of your appointments will be private and secure! We use the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) for our appointments.
There are no wait times and no referral process! We provide easy access to your treatment as soon as you are ready to begin the process.
All you need is a reliable internet connection and a device with a screen to access our online services.

Why Opioid Substitution Therapy?

Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) is used for treating opioid addiction.  OST helps to prevent opioid withdrawal symptoms and prevents or eliminates drug cravings.  

Suboxone is a combination of Buprenorphine and Naloxone. It is most commonly used to treat addiction to other opiates such as heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone (OxyContin), and hydromorphone (Dilaudid). It is made in a lab rather than being derived from plants like heroine.

Suboxone is an opioid antagonist.  Heroin, morphine and oxycodone are opioid agonists.  

How do these work?

An opioid agonist drug activates a pain-blocking receptor in your brain, altering your perceptions of pain and releasing endorphins that mimic pleasure. 

An opioid antagonist medication will block the effects of any opioid by preventing them from activating those pain receptors.  

OST involves the prescription of suboxone as an alternative to the opiate which a person is addicted to. Central to OST is the provision of counselling, case management and other medical services to help the patient change addictive behaviour and get back on their feet.

Benefits of Suboxone Maintenance Treatment

  • Research indicates that Suboxone Maintenance Treatment (SMT) is effective in:
  • Reducing the use of opioids and other substances (including some narcotics like cocaine)
  • Reducing the incidence and risk of criminal activity related to drug use
  • Reducing mortality and improving life-expectancy
  • Reducing risk related to injection
  • Reducing other risk behaviours for the transmission of HIV and other STDs
  • Reducing the risk of Hepatitis C and other blood-borne pathogens
  • Improving physical and mental health
  • Improving social functioning and quality of life
  • Improving pregnancy outcomes
  • Research indicates that Suboxone Maintenance Treatment (SMT) is effective in:
  • Reducing the use of opioids and other substances (including some narcotics like cocaine)
  • Reducing the incidence and risk of criminal activity related to drug use
  • Reducing mortality and improving life-expectancy
  • Reducing risk related to injection
  • Reducing other risk behaviours for the transmission of HIV and other STDs
  • Reducing the risk of Hepatitis C and other blood-borne pathogens
  • Improving physical and mental health
  • Improving social functioning and quality of life
  • Improving pregnancy outcomes

How Suboxone is Taken

Suboxone is dispensed as a small tablet, which is taken "sub-lingually", which means it is held under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. While the tablet is dissolving, it is important not to chew or swallow it because the medicine will not work as well.

Talking while the tablet is dissolving can affect how well the medicine is absorbed.

What To Expect When Working With Suboxone Doctors Online (The How’s and Process)

This is your path; you don’t need to travel it alone.

Our process will provide you with safe, confidential treatment from the comfort of your own home.
View Full Process

Meet your 
Addiction Physicians

We have many physicians providing drug addiction services and suboxone treatment.
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It’s Secure

Our processes are PHIPA compliant.
We utilize the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) for our appointments.


Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions page for some guidance. You can also get in touch with us if that is better for you.
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