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Online Alcohol Treatment

We recognize that alcohol can also cause addictive behaviors and provide online treatment for alcohol addiction. We have physicians offering alcohol treatment through our alcohol recovery program.

Who is Online Alcohol Treatment For?

We offer online alcohol treatment to persons struggling with alcohol addiction.

Every journey is different and treatment options will be designed for your best outcome. Our team of nurses and physicians can help you set goals and navigate any challenges along your road to recovery.

There is no obligation just support and education.

Connect with a physician in a confidential virtual meeting to learn about what treatment options may be right for you.

How Does Our Virtual Alcohol Treatment Program Work?

You only need a reliable internet connection and a device with a screen to access our online services!
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Meet your 
Addiction Physicians

We recognize that addiction and mental health can coexist. We understand that both physical and mental health issues are complex and require support.

We have many physicians providing alcohol addiction services and treatment.
Meet Our Team


Have a question? Check out our frequently asked questions page for some guidance. You can also get in touch with us if that is better for you.
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It’s Secure

Our processes are PHIPA compliant.
We utilize the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) for our appointments.
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